Versatile Blogger Award

I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award
Special Thanks to Cloaked Monk
and Sam373
I am honoured and of course I am accepting it.

The rules to the acceptance are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who awarded you and link back to them in your post.
  2. Tell 7 Random facts about yourself.
  3. Pass the award on to 15 new found bloggers.
  4. Contact each blogger you want to pass the award on to and let them know you’ve done so, and let the giver of your award know you accept it.

7 things about me:

* I am a full-time dreamer on the path through reality
* Live in Sweden sharing life with my favourite poet
* Fascinated by moon, space, forest and sea
* Afraid of spiders and flying
* Addicted to beautiful words
* Love to escape into the world of painting
* A friend said the other day that I’m poisoned by poetry…and I’m afraid that it might be true

15 nominations:ladynimue
Cerca Trova
Dead Poet
Leo – I rhyme Without Reason
Cloaked Monk
Liliana – Endless Journey
Mike Patrick – The Poet’s Quill 
Dani – haiku love songs
Like A Thought Unchained
Butterflies of Time
Bodhirose’s Blog

~ by Eclipse on March 14, 2011.

9 Responses to “Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. […] Eclipseofthemoon: […]

  2. Thank you kindly for the award–I appreciate you thinking of me, Eclipseofthemoon. xoxo

  3. Hi my dear Friend I have just spent 3 hours and more editing and putting up links of 15 sites to loose them all again.Despite me saving in my Drafts~ they just disappeared~ Arrggggh! is an understatement… But the lesson was one of Patience and not to be in Ego. LOL..

    My PC is running so slow.. So Eclipse that is my sign to say Im obviously not meant to accept your kind nomination.. As even though I try to live in ‘That Moment of Time’ Time has run out on me and Im back at work tomorrow with lots to do…
    Thank you so Much… it was so Kind of you to include me in your nominations… And I am thrilled you visit and read my Blog posts and poems..
    I will be back later this evening to view some of your recent entries…
    Love and Blessings to you and Now I need to get back to the world in which I need to Cook Dinner… and get my feet back upon the Ground. and Come out of my Dreamwalkers World…. And plumit back to Earth for some nourishment of Food lol rather than nourishing my Spirit.
    Love and Light Dreamwalker xxx

  4. Thank you Eclipse.. Just back home from a short enlightening Break.. And find you have nominated me for this Award… Im flattered to be thought worthy.. Now as to my versatility? Well that remains to be seen.. So I read here these are the rules… I hope to get around to nominating my 15 tomorrow when Im recovered from all the travel today.. And sharing 7 things about myself. Love and Blessings and I will get around too tomorrow to catch up with your posts.. Love Dreamwalker

  5. congratulations! you really do deserve acknowledgement for your wonderful writing and art! thank you for thinking of me as someone worthy of the honor. {as i told you in my email, i am regretfully unable to accept.} you are an amazing writer and artist. i am grateful to have discovered both you and your blog. ♥

  6. […] , Kavita ,  Lynnaima , Becca , Luna , Magher1 , GoldenHairbear  and Eclipse  nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. It was amazing enoguh to be nominated by all these […]

  7. This was a great begin to the week !!
    You made my day dear 🙂

    I added your name to the post mentioning the people who passed this award to em !

    Thanks a bunch !!


  8. Thanksforthe nomination!

  9. Incredible vision of artist.Such artistic and creative style.Really great posting.

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