*The Saddest Memory*

“G”  is for Grief

I hope
that somewhere in this cold world
there is a cure
against the evil darkness
You and I
as the autumn leaves
maybe are falling
to the ground

I’ve tried to find the key
of the black cover that holds you
in its cold embrace
I failed
A love was born
among the strong words
inviting me into the magic world
We  were two strangers
suited so well together
our love was not enough
The weakness was larger
it never won over fears
In stead of staying alive
we’ve chosen to slowly die
You’ve become a dead poet
but for me still immortal
The one from my dream

I was prepared to haunt you forever
So I guess we’ll be good darling
I’ll  find you again
In another life


© Eclipse 2008 – 2011

A to Z Challenge

Writer’s Island

Big Tent Poetry

~ by Eclipse on April 7, 2011.

44 Responses to “*The Saddest Memory*”

  1. Oh my! Those words have genuinely stirred me.

  2. this is haunting poetry!! Great Stuff

  3. Again and again… I am captured by your words…

  4. I like the lull and flow. Comforting.

  5. “” I was prepared to Haunt you forever””….
    Your poetry and words deffinately haunt me.. never have I been touched by words such as within your poems Eclipse.. I always come back for more…
    Hugs Dreamwalker

  6. Provoking, and somewhat familiar.

  7. Beautiful poem with great imagery! loved it.

  8. Eclipse, I think you draw the finest imageries I’ve seen. Make the poem come alive through your words 🙂 Very beautiful!

    Rally Week 41 – My Poetry

  9. Beautiful poem ….So powerful is your emotions which we can feel from this poem Why it was not able to override the fears I wonder?
    But as you say let us hope ….

    “So I guess we’ll be good darling
    I’ll find you again
    In another life”

  10. G is also for good.

  11. You are one fantastic poet I have come across Poet’s Rally.. and I’m glad I did. U echo all of what I & a friend feel and go through.. for reasons similar & different each.. Thanks for sharing.
    I am from ~

    The Alliterated Symphonies of the mind ~

  12. Like someone before me said, the intensity of the emotions kind of scared me. Beautifully written:)

  13. This is a very strong and powerful piece of literature. Well written.

  14. It is hard not to surrender to the passions. Nicely written!

  15. A poem at the beginning so dark and at the end with a bright shining light of hope..
    A very strong imagery that your piece creates..



  16. Possessiveness? – perhaps but not wrongly so – in the sense that in all lives we all belong… beautiful poem

  17. Powerful. For some reason, the passion in this poem scared me. The passion, the possessiveness. It was scary.

  18. I like the way you reach out and touch immortality here, a well crafted piece!!

  19. Powerful. I felt such profoundness.



  20. stunning and haunting.

    die beautifully,
    live wisely..

    thanks for sharing..

  21. slowly die alone…gave me so much chills….this is def a sad tale…though nicely written

  22. another life, same instances? broken hopes? emmm- leaves me thinking if it is good haha! nice write! my thursday~ http://fiveloaf.wordpress.com/2010/12/30/let-it-be-it/

  23. Sad poem but wow! the way you compose this was very well created. Your blog is awesome! Thanks for allowing me to take a look at your poetry.

  24. “In stead of staying alive
    we’ve chosen to slowly die


    the last stanza.


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